Wednesday, 17 June 2009

A new day

Hello I will paint my garden with words as no photos for now. The penstemon is full of deep pink flowers. They are deep throated flowers like foxgloves but they have a frill at the end of each flower. Their throats have speckled run ways for bees to follow to the nectar. The leaves are narrow and pointed. The white roses have finished their first glorious display and prepare for their next performance. Bending their climbing limbs horizontal has been a great success as it sent off many new shoots along its length each bearing triple blooms.
I went to the allotment yesterday.It really helped to steady my mind. I love weeding - isn't that handy. My lettuces were big enough to do my first salad. Took some baby leaves off the beetroot to add to flavour to the salad. The dwarf french beans are growing well as are the runner beans. The courgettes have started to look better after their shock of being moved from a pot into the ground. I grew them from seed so am glad they are looking happier. Leeks look ok and onions may be ready soon.


  1. Yes , artists paint with colours, we paint with words:)
    Looks like your garden is givng you the fruits of your hard work.

  2. yes :D picked some strawberries today we'd grown -they were delicious!

  3. Lovely to find your sunny little blog! Just wanted to stop by and say hello :-)

  4. thanks for stopping by, Hedgewitch, and for your lovely message

  5. What a lovely 'word' painting. Glad your crops are doing so well.

    And very handy that you like weeding. I find it quite calming too:-)

  6. thanks lane. nice to know others like weeding:D
