Friday, 20 March 2009


Hello sorry haven't posted for so long. Sadly my uncle in the Ukraine died and me and my sister went to the funeral. Feeling quite weird as went from sunny weather in England to sticky wet mud and then snow in the Ukraine. Here's the church next to my cousin's house. Our grandfather donated the land for the church.
Came back very relieved to see husband and his brother had looked after kids and my seedlings very well. Here are my tomato seedlings I took them out for some sun today. Friends and kids came over this afternoon. Kids watered themselves and patio.

One of my camellias has flowered and is covered in these blooms. I love it.

My Clematis armandii has finally flowered - what a lovely sight to be greeted by.


  1. Hi! I wondered where you were. Sorry about your uncle. Did you get to do any research while you were there? It's very interesting that it was this uncle who donated the land for the church. I'd love to know when and the story behind it.

  2. It was my uncle's and my dad's dad (therefore my grandfather )who donated the land. i will have to ask my cousin for whole story coz now you ask i realise i don't know whole story.
